#HSS2015 Day 5 - Helen Storrow Seminar 2015 - Me, the teamworker

19 April 2015

Day 5

Thursday 23nd April


Thursday greeted the participants of the 2015 Helen Storrow Seminar with a beautiful, sun-light filled atmosphere. In the late morning we took time to explore the changing identities of leaders within a team and how they shift depending upon the dynamic of the group. I was not surprised by my chosen roles after I took a leadership test; they were predictable based on my past leadership experiences. I found that when we had to consciously change our idenities during excersises I struggled with pushing through to roleplay. It made me aware of how innate my leadership abilities within certain spaces seem to be and why it is important to move outside one’s comfort zone in order to grow.


Greetings to family, friends and guides all over! Our Chalet is an amazing place to be with a programme full of challenge, sharing, team work and much more. In the early morning we started with a warm-up and talked about water as a theme. Our saying of the day was, “empty your mind, be formless and shapeless, like water.” During the morning activity, hoola-hooping, we timed ourselves to go fast and beat our previous time at two minutes, ten seconds. Because of the team work and giving a hand to each other in the past four days we can see the effects of the training. It is weird to realize that we are on the second to last night of the program and soon it will be over. The time passed so fast that none of us really want to say goodbye.


The last session of the day was Our Chalet’s Swiss night. We listened to the beautiful music being played using the alphorn – a traditional Swiss  instrument. It was amazing to try to play, although there with difficulties with technique! We learned a new song about Adelboden and played a game on Swiss trivia. Afterwards, there was chocolate fondue as a prize which we all found nice and yummy.


After a session about roles in a team we went outside. All patrols had a section of a fence that needed maintenance. The only restriction was that all materials has to be natural. During this session the roles in the teams changed a few times. We found it interesting to try different roles although sometimes it was hard to try roles that were not your natural roles. This activity made us aware of the fact that not every role is needed in a team and that a person can have multiple roles. It also depends on what project you are doing that will dertemine the roll which you can play.


It was the day of the Challenge and we had the session to determine diffferent leadership roles: Implementor, Shaper, Team Worker, Plant, Coordinator, etc. It was challenging to take up the surprise roles during an exercise, apart from the ones which we already played. The goose stories were inspiring to take home. It is always good to follow the “V” formation that they fly in in order to have a wider vision of our goals.

By the Jinoa patrol

Helen Storrow Seminar 2015 Contents:

#HSS2015 home page

Day 0 Arrival day (19/04)

Day 1 Me, myself, my environment (air) (20/04)

Day 2 Me, the leader (sun) (21/04)

Day 3 Me, the influencer (fire)  (22/04)

Day 4 Me, the achiever (earth) (23/04)

Day 5 Me, the team worker (water) (24/04)

Day 6 Me, the advocate (wind) (25/04)

Day 7 Me, leading others (plant) (26/04)