Spotlight news
NEW: Summer Mini Breaks!
- For a limited time we are offering summer mini breaks on two weekends for 2015. These are June 20-22 and August 3-5.
Highlighted news
i-Lead: i-Manage now available… and setting your language preferences
- An update on GLOW - WAGGGS' online learning platform and the latest module of the i-Lead online leadership course.
Arts 4 Change
- Join us for Arts 4 Change in March 2016! You can even join as a Planning Team member!
Sign up to the World Centres' Mailing list!
- The World Centres want to share the World Centre spirit with you!
Would you like to volunteer at Our Cabaña – Mexico?
- At Our Cabaña you will have chance to: - Live in Mexico and learn more about Mexican traditions and culture - Make friends with Guides and Scouts from around the world - Help run programs and activities for participants - Develop new skills and abilities - Be part of Service Projects in the city of Cuernavaca - Visit local historical and archeological sites - Improve your knowledge of WAGGGS, it’s Member Organizations, themes, projects, regions and World Centres - And much, much more
Great News – One click away to stay at Pax Lodge
- We are pleased to announce that we have now gone live on the Pax Lodge website with our online booking facility.