#HSS2015 Day 2 - Helen Storrow Seminar 2015 - Me, the leader
19 April 2015
Day 2
Tuesday 20th April
''You can do what I cannot do.
I can do what you cannot do.
Together we can do great things''
- Mother Teresa
Throughout the leadership games such as the egg game, trust fall, maze, volunteering and building tower, each of the petrol member stand a chance to lead their members. Eventually, we are exposed to five different types of leadership skills. For instance, situational leadership, colaboration leadership, transformational leadership , action-centred leadership and appreciative leadership. During the trust fall game, one of us will stand on the bench and the rest of us need to be ready on the ground to catch her. We need to trust each other especially the person who is going to fall. Unbelievable, we have bonding and trusting among the petrol members even though we just got to know each others for less than 3 days.
As part of the afternoon sessions, we learn about values, beliefs and leadership in WAGGGS. We learnt that values have a different significance in a team and as individuals. However, we also learnt that each value is percieved in a different way by people because of their upbringing, culture or life experiences. During this session, we wrote down 3 values that we thought were the most important in a team. The most common values were respect, communication and team work. We then broke up into groups with similar values and defined team work. During this activity, the various perceptions were explained and we challenged each others' view.
The evening ''International Festival'' was a highlight of the day for many. Each region had been tasked with presenting a 5 minutes performance on their part of the world and the results were amazing! There was dancing, singing and stories. Although each region and the countries within it had something unique and special that we had the opportunity to experience, it was clear that we all have more in common than we might think from similar types of national dance to the symbolism behing our national dress!
After the performance, each region set up an area that would represent their country. It was a great opportuinity for participants to learn about new, unique cultures. We got to taste foods from other countries, learn about their national costumes and share gifts from their home land. It was a great chance to learn more about the backgorunds of our new friends. We all discovered something new.
By the Snowy Peaks patrol
Helen Storrow Seminar 2015 Contents: Day 0 Arrival day (19/04) Day 1 Me, myself, my environment (air) (20/04) Day 2 Me, the leader (sun) (21/04) Day 3 Me, the influencer (fire) (22/04) Day 4 Me, the achiever (earth) (23/04) Day 5 Me, the team worker (water) (24/04) Day 6 Me, the advocate (wind) (25/04) Day 7 Me, leading others (plant) (26/04) |