#HSS2015 Day 1 - Helen Storrow Seminar 2015 - Me, myself, my environment

19 April 2015

Day 1

Monday 20th April

Opening ceremony

The day started with the opening ceremony of the 10th HSS2015 it was held outside and all of the participants could admire the beautiful view of the Swiss mountains. Each country placed their own flag in front of the flagpole after which we hoisted the flag of our chalet, showing that we are at home.


We played different games about the theme of the day – air. After that, we were divided into patrols and we were asked to choose a name for our patrol and make a sculpture that represented our group. Our name is Krasa which means beauty in Ukranian. Just before lunch we were asked to give our expectations about the programme, the planning team and what we wish to learn and develop personally


Me as a leader (personal development)

We were asked to define the qualities of a leader and the group listed the qualities of a leader for example: committed, respectful, responsible, passionate and truthful.

We were next asked to explain what a leader does. This seeks to answer the roles of a leader and the group listed some roles such as: directs, monitors, demonstrates, orgainses, plans succession, guides, delegates.

The final task in this section was to define leadership without the use of leader or leadership in their definitions. It was defined as the act of guiding and directing others to achieve their goals and objectives through their skills and knowledge.

WAGGGS definition of a good leader is one who has skills, talent and empathy.

Magic tree hike

In the afternoon we were told to layer up and put in comfortable shoes as we were going on a hike. After a quick photo shoot with the chalet cat (Skippy) we were off! We hiked into the next valley and into a forest until we reached the magic tree. A beautiful hollow tree know for granting wishes to Our Chalet guests. On the way back to the Chalet we had the amazing opportunity to see some of the girls first experience with snow which added to the magical experience of the magic tree hike

Free being me

After dinner, we gathered in the conference room for Free Being Me programme. At the beginning, we watched a video and have a brief introduction to the programme. Two participants, who are already the leaders of Free Being Me in their Member Organisations, had lead us to do an activity of how we think a perfect woman should be. I think most of you would think of many features that a perfect woman has, long legs, big eyes, full lips etc. However, we found that it is not possible to have a perfect women on earth looks like how we described. This is an image myth that we should not follow! We should be proud of being ourselves, we are all beautiful just the way we are. It was a great evening for all of us and we all enjoyed the Free Being Me programme.

by The Krasa Patrol


Helen Storrow Seminar 2015 Contents:

#HSS2015 home page

Day 0 Arrival day (19/04)

Day 1 Me, myself, my environment (air)

Day 2 Me, the leader (sun) (21/04)

Day 3 Me, the influencer (fire) (22/04)

Day 4 Me, the achiever (earth) (23/04)

Day 5 Me, the team worker (water) (24/04)

Day 6 Me, the advocate (wind) (25/04)

Day 7 Me, leading others (plant) (26/04)