Association mondiale des Guides et des Éclaireuses Members' area

Volunteering opportunities

Traduction à suivre

Volunteering at Our Chalet is great fun...

It provides the opportunity to work closely with other staff from different countries, to meet many people with different cultures and traditions, to take part in a variety of sports and recreational activities, to lead groups, to explore Switzerland, to learn new skills and much, much more!

Thousands of people from countries all over the world have lived and worked at Our Chalet, helping to make the experience of those who come the best it could possibly be.

We have 4 different programs for volunteering, read more about them to find out which one it suits you the most.

Season Dates  Deadline for application
Winter 1 December - 1 March 1 September
Spring 1 March - 31 May 1 December
Summer     15 May - 1 September 1 February
Autumn 1 September - 1 December 1 May
Go Week!
1 - 15 May 1 February

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