Asociación Mundial de las Guías Scouts


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Room Size Price
Single CHF 60 pppn
Room for 2 CHF 55 pppn
Room for 3 CHF 50 pppn
Room for 4 CHF 50 pppn
Room for 5 CHF 45 pppn
Room for 6 CHF 45 pppn
Room for 7 CHF 45 pppn
Dormitory CHF 40 pppn
Squirrel House CHF 35 pppn
Campsite (equipped) CHF 30 pppn
Campsite (pitch only) CHF 8.50 pppn
Baby Chalet CHF 125 pn


Breakfast CHF 8
Dinner CHF 12
Pack Lunches CHF 7
Luggage transport CHF 4 (one way)


CHF: Swiss Francs, currency uses in Switzerland
pppn: price per person per night 
PP: per person 
Pn: per night

The cost of accommodation at Our Chalet includes bed linen and towels if you are staying in Baby Chalet, Squirrel house, dormitories or rooms.
All accommodation costs are inclusive of VAT and Tourist Tax. 

Children aged 0 – 2 inclusive shall receive free food and accommodation.
Children between the ages of 3 – 5 inclusive shall pay half the accommodation cost.
Costs for programme and other services rendered are not included in the price of accommodation at Our Chalet.
Evening programs run at the center and evening hikes are free of charges.

No refunds will be made by Our Chalet to a client on unused accommodation and meals, nor programme activities signed up for by a client but not participated in.