World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

75 years leading the way

4 January 2007

The new year has arrived and along with it the party has started at Our Chalet. WAGGGS’ oldest World Center is celebrating its 75th anniversary and we would like you to be part of this wonderful opportunity. 
We will be having celebrations through out the year, but there will be two special events to commemorate our founders and celebrate the chance of being us all the present of Our Chalet.

Troops and Units are invited to the open days (open celebration) on July 31 and August 1. Please make sure you book your visit in advance. Bookings open on February 22, Thinking Day!

Official Celebration days, September 15 and 16, 2007. We will have programs starting on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

Come and help us to continue writing the story. Our Chalet, the world of endless opportunities!

Your comments

melisa fernando 17 April 2007 - 9.29AM (GMT)

helps alot!


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