Winter Staff 2000

Else Marie
Fall Staff 2000

Back Row: Yennenga (Burkina Faso), Becs (New Zealand), Heather (Canada), Helene (Denmark), Askako (Japan), Front Row: Sherin (Egypt)
Helene |
Asako, Sherin and Yennenga |
The Summer 2000 Staff!
In Uniform!
From top to bottom:
Femke(NL),Becs(NZ),Heather G.(CAN),Sophie(IRE),Lilia(BLR),
Jen(CAN),Laura(UK),Ingrid(MX),Mary Kay (US),Ellie(NL), Julie(CAN),Heather M.(US),missing:Luba(RUS),Käthi and Therese(CH) |
What we usually look like!
From top to bottom:
Käthi,Lilia,Heather M.,Ellie,Heather G. Mary Kay,Gwen,Becs,Jen&Julie, missing:Luba and Therese. |
The Spring 2000 Staff!
The Spring staff on a hike to the Engstligen waterfall.
Left to right: Shannon M (Volunteer-Canada),
Louise (Office Assistant-UK), Becs (Office Assistant-New Zealand), Shannon K (Volunteer-Canada)

Acting Centre Manager Ellie Duis showing off her skiing skills
(aided by guest Jackie Adams).

The Winter 1999-2000 Staff!
The staff cut out paper snowflakes to decorate the Chalet windows.
Left to right: Christy (Volunteer-Canada), Nikky (Programme Assistant-UK), Meeri (Volunteer-Finland), Dominic (Volunteer-Switzerland), Liz (Volunteer-New Zealand)

The permanent staff keep warm during our 4 day powercut.
Left to right: Nikky (Programme Assistant-UK), Laura (Programme Director-USA), Louise (Office Assistant-UK)

The volunteers hangin' out.
Left to right: Meeri (Volunteer-Finland), Liz (Volunteer-New Zealand),
Keely (Volunteer-USA), Christy (Volunteer-Canada)

Meeri and Christy
in the Chalet car! |
Ellie (Deputy Centre Manager-NL)
in a Christmas mood. |
Do you want to work for us as Volunteer Staff? Link to Winter 1998-99 Staff pictures
Link to Summer 1999 Staff pictures