Welcome to the Squirrel's page! If you have any letters, pictures or other comments for the they will be posted here!. At the moment the Squirrel presents its favorite links, letters and pictures.
The Squirrel would love to see photos from your trip to OUR CHALET! Email them to the.
- Eurolife.01 upstream, European WAGGGS Camp, definitely a must to see!
- WAGGGS World and WAGGGS Europe
- For information about Guides and SCouts in Switzerland check out the Swiss Scout Site
- Pax Lodge, London England
- Our Cabana, Cuernavaca, Mexico
- Sangam, Pune, India
- Kandersteg International Scout Centre
- Adelboden's local snowboard source Crazy Sports
- Adelboden Ski School
- Rental equipment and more at Oester Sport
- Our Provider, Improware AG Pratteln
- OUR CHALET's Neighbour, Hari Chalet
- Check the latest currency rates with XE
- Our main ski area (and some hiking too!) The Silleren Ski Area
- The ski region Engstligenalp
- Adelboden Tourism
- For your scout uniform needs Hajk Scout and Sport

Please send us your pictures! Then this space will be more interesting to look at!

A Certain Dream
We had a certain dream
Almost every day
Of packing up our bags
And going to OUR CHALET.
So with a bit of luck
And a whole lot of joy
A group of Canadian Girl Guides
Travelled down to Oey.
We hiked up the mountain
In the pouring rain,
Getting a look at Switzerland
And experiencing our first pain.
We've spent ten days on the go
With trips and many hikes,
We've met some really special friends
And seen some fantastic sights.
We're packing up our stuff
Soon be on our way,
But not before we say these words,
"We've really loved our stay."
Teresa Muszak, Canada