Our Chalet Adelboden  

The Spycher






Why do we need a new building

Our Chalet should continue to be a meeting place for Guide and Scout groups from all over the world, where meeting and getting to know people and exchanging ideas with them can be interspersed with games, outdoor activities and fun.
Additionally every physically handicapped Guide and Scout who wishes to visit Our Chalet should be able to do so. That is why the Spycher has much-needed provision for wheel-chair users.
In the last few years the way Guiding and Scouting works has also greatly changed. It has become more professional and more demanding of time and expertise. Therefore, Our Chalet must have the facilities to put on seminars and trainings. The new building has rooms for lectures and group meetings, with kitchenette and toilet facilities, as well as a large recreation room and an urgently needed office for the administration of the Centre. These extended facilities, on the ground floor and basement, are not only for participants in seminars and trainings, but are also available for all guests.

The seven bedrooms on the first floor not only offer extra accommodation but also would help to cover the operational costs of the new building.

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Short description of the Spycher

Our Chalet, a wonderful wooden Oberland house and a protected property, will remain the main building on the property. The Spycher is visible on coming up the road. It is designed to create a feeling of unity with the main house on either side of an open area. The construction and outward appearance of the new building has been kept simple but conforms to modern construction standards.
In the Basement are all the necessary service and storage rooms as well as a multi-purpose recreation and activity room.
The first large room on the Ground floor is the office; one other for the Centre Manager and the other two rooms are for seminars, conferences and group meetings. The toilet and stairs are both equipped to deal with wheel-chairs.
On the first floor there are three rooms with two sets of bunk beds, two - two-bedded and two - single rooms. Capacity total 18 beds (3 staff beds, 15 guest beds ). Left and right of the stairs are bathrooms and toilets with wheel-chair access.
The Basement floors and walls are solidly built in concrete and masonry; the facades are built in wood and insulated.

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Exemption from taxation
The Foundation for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts International Centre, Our Chalet Adelboden is recognised by the Canton of Bern tax administration as a charitable organisation. Donations to our Foundation are tax-free.

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Places to which donations may be sent
Directly to the bank in Adelboden - Berner Kantonalbank -
Sparkonto 42 3.484.820.14, Stiftung int. Chalet

In the United Kingdom made payable to: Our Chalet - The Spycher and sent to Mrs Ann Mitchell, 20 High St., Toft, Cambridge CB3 7RL

In the U.S.A. cheques should be made payable to The World Foundation and sent to The World Foundation, 420 Third Avenue, New York NY 10018-2798

Please note on the cheque or in correspondence your interest in the Our Chalet Spycher Project!

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The Foundation

In 1996 the Foundation for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts International Centre, Our Chalet Adelboden, pursuant to art.80ff of the Swiss Civil Code with its domicile in Adelboden, was established.
The purpose of the Foundation is the management of the buildings and their surroundings belonging to the property of Our Chalet and thereby, the preservation and development of the Girl Guide andGirl Scout International Centre, Our Chalet Adelboden, as a meeting place for young people from all over the world.

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Our Chalet Association

Was set up in 1930 shortly before construction began. Its aim today, after the management was handed over to the Foundation in 1996, is the on-going operation of the house.


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