The War Years
Then came August 24th, 1939, the black day for OUR CHALET. By 2 a.m. the next day all the guests had left. We had seen them off at Basel station and coming back to the deserted Chalet one realized that a happy period had come to an end.

We put the Chalet in order as quickly as possible to be ready for service if we were needed. How great was our surprise when a few days later two Swedish Guides arrived. When we learnt that they had travelled the whole of Germany and had never realized that it was at war we were astounded. It was with great difficulty that we managed to get them back to Sweden.

OUR CHALET was used several times during the war for skiing trainings and for camps for the Swiss. Refugees streamed into our country and we tried to trace any Guides among them. My greatest wish was to invite them to OUR CHALET, but owing to military regulations this was impossible. However, we managed to help them in other ways. The Chalet address must have gone around the world for many wrote to ask to be put in touch with lost friends. I can think of no greater joy then when we succeeded in linking up some of these people.

When the World Chief Guide arrived on V-Day her presence made us realize that a new and hopeful time was beginning. It is hard to describe our joy when the first foreign Guiders arrived. Though it was difficult to get visas for travel, applications to visit the Chalet showered in on us. Our number rapidly climbed to 64 as some tender-hearted secretary could not bear to refuse extra guests.

In the summer of 1946 the first post-war Juliette Low group arrived, the forerunner of annual gatherings. The activities ran on the lines of the original meetings, with excursions, discussions and cookingdays. Once again OUR CHALET was as full as ever with Guides from other countries.

I once visited an exhibition of old Persian rugs. Admiring the colours and designs, it occurred to me that the work of OUR CHALET showed great similarity. There is a background on which the design is worked, but all the different figures, patterns and colourings are made by the various people who pass through the house. Each brings something towards the fulfilment of the work, and each brings a different colour, or adds to the design, which finally forms the whole pattern. I am sure that this unconscious co-operation is the reason that people are happy in our home.