Chalet Opens
The official opening of the Chalet was set for July 31 st, 1932. One evening, Mrs Storrow decided that she would like to have a house of her own. The architect had to produce plans so that the little chalet would be ready for the opening day!

The summer of 1932 was stormy. Thick mists floated through the valleys and around the Chalet, where we were very busy. The planning of the opening ceremony took a good deal of time. Invitations had gone out all over the world. Swiss Guides prepared to camp in the valley behind the Chalet and we knew that all the village would be present. We ordered hundreds of cakes for tea. I was afraid we should be in for stale cakes for some time.

On the morning of the opening, we woke up to a cloudless sky. I knew God had created a new day for the sake of our house. I welcomed the guests with an opening speech. Then it was the turn of the architect, the Swiss National Commissioner, the Boy Scouts' delegate and the Mayor of Adelboden who welcomed the World Association into his community.

The World Chief Guide thanked Mrs Storrow for the marvellous gift which was to be such a tremendous encouragement in fostering international friendship within the Guide Movement. Together they mounted the step leading up to the balcony, where the Chief Guide cut the ribbon. The World Chalet had come into being.
 The Chalet song was sung for the first time to introduce the Chief Scout's speech. He challenged the Chalet to become a school of goodwill and understanding among the future women of the world, so that they should go forth to spread the idea of comradeship with others. Thus the Chief Scout set the programme of the Chalet.

During the years that followed OUR CHALET became the accepted meeting place for Guides from all over the world. The original idea was that it would open for the summer holiday months and for a short winter sports' season, but there was soon an all year round demand.

The winter seasons brought many sports-loving guests and even when weather conditions caused accidents the victims were not discouraged. One Guider who broke her leg and had to stay three extra weeks said she had never had a lovelier time.