Association mondiale des Guides et des Éclaireuses

Day Tours

Traduction à suivre

Our chalet is happy to welcome every guide and scout, and families and friends to come and visit the facilities. We are opened the whole year around. We hope people come and stay with us to have fully experience of the center and Switzerland.

Guided tours are offered at 10am, 11am, 2pm, and 3pm. With 10 minutes of tolerance. Self tours are possible anytime during the day.

There is a maximum of 50 people in each tour, however we do not have minimum.

We hope that day visitors could cooperate from different items form the wish list published here in our website.

Guided tours won’t be given on arrival and departure days of sessions. Exceptions could be made if bookings are made in time in advance.

Further details please, contact the office at Our Chalet