75th Birthday celebrations at Our Chalet

17 September 2007

 More than 400 friends from around the world, including former staff and volunteers, Friends of Our Chalet, neighbours from Adelboden and business partners gathered at Our Chalet during the weekend of 15-16 September to celebrate the 75th birthday of WAGGGS’ first World Centre.
 Guests travelled from Chile, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, USA, Canada and Surinam. Even more countries were represented by Our Chalet’s current team of international staff.

Against a backdrop of blue skies and snow-capped peaks, guests enjoyed exchanging news with old friends, making new friends, a variety of fun activities and entertainment, including:
  • Tours of Our Chalet
  • Interactive displays on the history of Our Chalet, Swiss Scouting and the Olave Baden-Powell Society
  • Performances by local choirs, Alpenhorn players, a yodeling group
  • Campfire singing
  • Fireworks
Guests came from many countries, including Chile, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada and Surinam, and even more countries were represented by the team of international staff.  Seeing so many nationalities represented at the ceremonies, and hearing the World Song, Our Chalet song and Taps sung in so many different languages was a very moving experience.

Special thanks to the 75th birthday planning team for their work planning the event, and to the many staff and friends whose hard work ensured a very successful weekend!

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MikeAntonio88q - 3 September 2013 - 9.44AM (GMT)

This site looks so great , I am glad here .

Ann Furst Patton - 28 September 2007 - 4.25PM (GMT)

I was a deligate to the international conference in 1948. After reading "Brave Girls" published by
Girl Scouts U.S.A. in 1947, that I found in my attic,it made me wonder how much girls remember or have been taught about those times and what it ment to be a girl Scout or a Girl guide at that time and what it should mean to us today.

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