Sangam launches special Arts exChange event with Melinda Caroll

23 February 2013

Arts exChange

Changing our world through artistic expression

Sangam World Centre is hosting its first Arts exChange, March 12 – 21, 2014 – an event for people interested in changing the world and connecting with other cultures through art. 

Come together to connect, create and share your artistic talent or your passion for the arts. We’ll explore art in many forms. Special guest facilitators include Girl Scout singer, songwriter Melinda Caroll, known for We Change the World and Ignite!

It’s more than just making art…

…it’s about moving people and through it. During the event, you will explore ideas about arts and change with Girl Scouts and Guides from around the world and the local community. Create a legacy song. Paint a mural with local Community partners. Capture the power of art through photography or video. Try Indian arts and play ‘colour’ during the Hindu festival of Holi. It will be a flourish of creativity with lasting impact!

Want to attend?

  • This event is open to all artists ages 16 & up.
  • The cost for this event is GBP 635.
  • Send your expression of interest for Arts exChange to by 30 September 2013. Spaces will be filled on a rolling basis.Arts exchange launch 2

Creativity welcome! Expressions can be written, video, or other art forms. Written submissions should be 250 words or less; videos 60 seconds or less.

Watch the livestream launch of Arts exChange from Sangam with Melinda Caroll and Nadine El Achy, chair of the World Board.

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