80 Years of Our Chalet - 80 Years of History
23 September 2012
Our Chalet has been honored this year with two Birthday Celebrations!
First Celebration was held on the 31 July, exactly 80 years since the opening of the centre. Many guests from Canada and USA participated in activities and fun on site.
Yesterday we started the second celebration of this jubilee with a special week long event called for all Friends of Our Chalet.
To honor the occasion many guests from the local community joined a special Tea Party held in the afternoon.
We all enjoyed the Our Chalet history presentation by Fritz Inniger, a man that has been connected to Our Chalet since he was a boy. Later we listened to the beautiful sounds of the Alpine horns and joined various activities from Birthday games for children to Japanese Origami craft.
When the cake cutting time came, we had four ladies holding the knife, two previous Guiders in charge and two Centre Managers.
It was a day for many old friends and staff to meet again, share memories and enjoy the moments of reconnecting to the history, fun, nature and pure joy.
We also have a special photo album to share with you. Visit Our Chalet Facebook Page or simply click here.
A very big “Thank you” to everyone who made the these two 80th Birthday Celebrations very special and memorable events.
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