New activity pack now available

29 September 2011

World Thinking Day pack cover 2012The new activity pack for World Thinking Day 2012 is bigger than ever! It’s packed with lots of fun and educational activities, extra information on the theme of environmental sustainability, plus ideas for how you can speak out on environmental issues. There are activities for all ages, and we also have a list of fundraising ideas to make your events as successful as possible. Don’t miss the fundraising tips!




This year the activities have been divided into four sections.

  1. Reduce the use of fossil fuels (complete two activities)
  2. Save resources in and around your home (complete two activities)
  3. Switch to sustainable energy solutions (complete two activities)
  4. Speak out to make a difference (complete any one activity that delivers WAGGGS’ demands on MDG 7)

The activity pack can be downloaded here in English, French and Spanish. Make sure you log your activities on our activities map, and read about our special online resources.