New publication on climate change education out now

10 May 2011

We can save our planet publication coverWAGGGS’ youth delegation at the United Nations climate change conference COP 16 successfully lobbied on the recognition of climate change education. Now you can replicate their campaigning activities with our new publication, Girls worldwide say: “We can save our planet”.

At COP 16, which took place in Mexico in December 2010, WAGGGS’ youth delegates successfully lobbied on the recognition of climate change education, including non-formal education. WAGGGS, together with other youth organizations, ensured that the United Nations member states pledged their support for climate change education for young people.

Following on from this success, WAGGGS has produced a new publication and 'how to' guide on campaigning and influencing governments to support climate change education. The publication explains the outcomes at COP 16 and provides advice on how Member Organizations and other youth organizations can replicate this lobbying success at a national level.

Download the publication here.

Delegates continue climate change work in their home countries

COP 16 - Delegats singing the climate action songFifteen remarkable young women from 11 countries across the globe represented WAGGGS and the voice of girls and young women at COP 16. They are now engaged in various environment-related advocacy and project activities…

Marie Gro Svenstrup, Denmark, has made presentations to other Scout groups in Denmark on her experiences at COP 16 and wrote an article for the leaders’ magazine on taking action. She’s also participated in community action projects at a local nature reserve.

Christine McRae, Australia, is planning to work with the 1million women campaign and develop a strategy to encourage as many leaders and older Guides as possible to sign up to the programme.

Sus Gomez, Honduras, ran a workshop about COP 16, exploring some environmental solutions, as part of her Association’s 10 April centenary celebrations.

Emily Rodriguez, USA, has been featured in her local newspaper and is leading a 10-week environmental programme for Girl Scouts. She has been invited to make a presentation at a national youth environmental conference where keynote speakers include Al Gore and Bill McKibben (founder of the environmental movement

Read more about the delegates and their daily updates from COP 16.

How you can take action:

  • Apply for a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) mini-grant towards your environment project
  • Do the Food security and climate change badge or the Biodiversity badge
  • Visit our Take Action section for more ideas and environmental activities

Your comments

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chantiarrahjohnson - 21 June 2011 - 12.13AM (GMT)

it is very inspiring and i will encourage people to join.

U. Savas Baran - 18 May 2011 - 10.30PM (GMT)

one of the greatest initiatves of recent years. I can't wait to translate it to Turkish and send to some 1000 scout and Guide leaders

Yvonne Bellys - 12 May 2011 - 9.13PM (GMT)

Great job WAGGGS COP16 Delegates! cant wait to read the publication.

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