Sign up for Young Women’s World Forum 2011!

20 September 2010

Young Women’s World Forum 2011The Young Women’s World Forum 2011, will take place simultaneously in our four World Centres from 19 and 26 March 2011. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to develop your leadership skills, learn about the Millennium Development Goals in action and be a part of Guiding history as we celebrate our centenary.

The second phase deadline for applications has been extended to 19 November 2010, so send in your registration forms to make sure you don’t miss out on this great opportunity to celebrate the centenary and develop international friendships.

We are looking for young women from each Member Organization who meet the following criteria to participate in the event:

  • aged between 20 and 30
  • active members of their Member Organization (with no requirement to have attended previous WAGGGS events)
  • fluent in French, English or Spanish to contribute and benefit fully from the Forum
  • committed to working actively with the results of the Forum within their Member Organization
  • have an interest in on of the three selected Millennium Development Goals

If you have young women that meet the above criteria, we ask that you encourage them to apply as we hope that every Member Organization will be represented at the Forum in 2011.

Registration forms are available from this website. Please note there are 3 sections, to be completed by the participant and by the International Commissioner (or equivalent).

The registration form must be submitted by each Member Organization (MO) to WAGGGS by 19 November.  Please note that each MO is responsible for selecting its participants and applications will not be accepted by individual members.  Please contact your Girl Guide or Girl Scout headquarters for national selection deadlines and for additional information that may be required for the national selection.

Forms must be returned to WAGGGS either via email (electronic format) at or to the World Bureau, 12c Lyndhurst Road, London NW3 5PQ. If you have questions about the Forum please email

There will be some funding available for selected participants. Grants will be allocated after the registration deadline (19 November 2010).

Please encourage young women in your organization to seize this fantastic opportunity to work with other young women around the world to help solve some of humanities most pressing problems. For more information on the Young Women’s World Forum, please visit the centenary section.

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