World Centres Tour 2015 (Australia)

2 September 2015- 7 October 2015

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In 2015 don't miss the opportunity to travel around the world and visit 
famous World Centres. 

2 September 2015 - 7 October 2015

Organized by Sally Thornton and East Burnwood Travel.

Tour is starting form Sydney, Australia.

Download the Complete Info Pack and find out more information about this amazing tour!

For questions and bookings contact Sally Thornton at  or East Burnwood Travel directly.


I had a privilege to join the World Centres tour in 2001 and this trip changed my life. It left me empowered and curious about the world. 

This trip inspired me to accept the position of the World Centre Manager at Sangam, where I worked for 6 years. Later I moved to be a World Centre Manager at Our Chalet and stayed there for 4 years. 

So clearly World Centres are a big part of my life and now I would like to share that passion with you by organizing and supporting this trip.

Let us discover "The World of Possibilities" together.

Sally Thornton


World Centres

World of Possibilities - blue

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