World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

75th Anniversary Official Celebration

15 September 2007- 16 September 2007

Telephone: +41(0) 33 673 1226
Fax: +41 (0) 33 673 20 82

Our Chalet’s 75th Birthday will be celebrated all year but the official Birthday Celebration will take place at Our Chalet on 15 and 16 September 2007. 

The following outline gives you a summary of the program that is planned for that weekend.

Saturday, 15 September 2007

11.30 Guests welcomed to Our Chalet. Transportation will be available from Silleren Car Park and the Oey Bus Station. Lunch will be served to specially invited guests; all other guests may bring picnic lunches. 

14.00 Flag raising, Official Welcome and Birthday Greetings 

15.00 Variety of program activities will take place simultaneously 

17:30 Flag lowering 

18.00 Celebration barbeque on the grounds. Everyone is invited! There will be choices of food and beverage, all at reasonable prices. Everyone will be required to pay for their meal. 

20.00 Campfire followed by fireworks, a fitting way to end a Celebration evening! 

Sunday, 16 September 2007

8:30 Flag raising 

9:00 Guides/Scouts Own 

9.30 A wonderful Brunch will be available from 9:30 to 1:00 PM at a reasonable price. Everyone will be required to pay for their meal. 

10.00 The same program activities offered on Saturday will be offered again, along with other opportunities as requested of Our Chalet staff. eg hikes, walks etc. 

14.30 Flag Lowering and Official Closing 

14.45 Departures - transportation will be available to Oey Bus Station or Silleren Car Park. 

We are already fully booked at the Chalet, but you can come and chose to stay at Haris Chalet. Special offer for special event!!
For 5 to 6 beds, CHF 150 a day (minimun 3 days) or CHF 900 a week.

Anniversary Wish List