World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

Testimonial past guests

Our Chalet experience tells by those who were there, living in the guiding and scouting home in the Swiss Alps!

Here, you have a place to tell others your story of how your stay was at Our Chalet! Or send your articule to be edited to the center. To contact us, click here .

We look forward hearing from you! You can help others to get ready for this adventure as well!

Your comments

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Kristie Nicholson 1 August 2007 - 6.11AM (GMT)

I'm going to Our Chalet in 11 days for Swiss Experience 9 and I am SO excited! I can't wait to see which rooms we're staying in and actually being in Our Chalet in person. =)

hello =] 29 July 2007 - 2.18PM (GMT)

hello guys. i stayed in the loft. it is either very hot or very cold. so if you are expecting to stay there i suggest clothes for all weathers. The internet is good. The dinner food- for tea is very nice. it is very picturesque. and is great fun to go in the bath.
there are alot of excursions.

=] x

Leontien 24 July 2007 - 8.50PM (GMT)

I was here with a Dutch boys group! Just 2 girls, but it doesn't matter! We made some new campsites so hopefully you'll use it! Had a really nice time!

xx Leontien

Vicki Gray 10 July 2007 - 6.38PM (GMT)

I am going to the chalet in 2 weeks time with my some girls from my unit(3rd Bridge of Allan) and i am really excited. Whats more excitin is it is my 13th birthday when we are staying there.

Jaime Oliver 2 July 2007 - 9.51AM (GMT)

I am here with the 1st Newcastle Pathfinders, there are 13 girls in my group. We are staying on the second floor, my room is Steghorn, thats a mountain in Switzerland,its flat. Switzerland if known for cheese chocolate and clocks. It is very nice here, they have nice laundry machines. The showers are pretty :)
i had a wonderful time and would hope to return once upon a time.

Sharon L. Hopkins 22 June 2007 - 11.56AM (GMT)

The Chalet was a very nice beautiful place to stay. The staff was very friendly and nice. The food was very good and the excursions were very exciting. It was a pleasure to stay here.

jessica fisher 1 June 2007 - 11.03AM (GMT)

i think our chalet is good

Denay Tubbs 15 May 2007 - 6.49AM (GMT)

Summer of '95 Our Senior Troop 500 from Oregon, USA stayed at Our Chalet. It truly was an amazing experince. Full of love, fond memories, and the most spectacular scenary. Don't pass up an opportunity to experience all that Our Chalet has to offer. In fact, a picture of us use to be on this website. Someday I hope to take my own troop (with my daughter) back here. Thank you Our Chalet, you are unforgetable!

Chloe Marks 21 April 2007 - 7.13PM (GMT)

I went to switzerland feb '06 it was one of the most amazing weeks of my life. I went with my guide pack (10th pinner) and we had the loft as our room. It was amazing and I would love to do it again. Thank you to the Staff Team that were there!

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