World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Members' area

How to become a friend

Joining the Friends of Our Chalet is easy. A donation of 15CHF (or more) entitles you to a one year membership in the Friends of Our Chalet. The membership year is from February 21 to February 22 or from the time you make the donation until February 22. Membership is renewable. You can become a Friend while at Our Chalet or through the Friends of Our Chalet chapter in your National Organization.

2007 is the anniversary year of Our Chalet! So, you can join the Friends paying CHF 75 and become a Jubilee member.

What do I get for being a Friend of Our Chalet?

There is a special lapel pin for Friends of Our Chalet. They also receive a special Thinking Day card from Our Chalet every February. In addition to the pin and the Thinking Day card, Our Chalet hosts special Friends only sessions every year, designed specifically for Friends of Our Chalet from around the world to come together and see what their generous time and financial donations have achieved. 

Most importantly as a Friend of Our Chalet, you get the knowledge that you have made a difference in the life of the oldest World Center and given us the opportunity to better serve Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world.