World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Members' area

Former Staff Reunion

Dates: September 19-26 2009

Cost: CHF 45 pppn

Group: Former staff

Our Chalet is holding a reunion for all former staff. This event offers a great opportunity to catch up with old friends, meet new people, witness the changes and new buildings and reminisce about past times at Our Chalet!

The official programme will be held on the 20th and 21st September. Guests may arrive on the 19th and accomodation and programme will be available until the 26th for those wishing to stay longer. The cost is CHF 45 per person per night, including breakfast. Dinner is an additional CHF 12 per person per day. The programme will consist of hikes, reunion BBQs, evening programmes and other exciting events!

Download the Former Staff Reunion Brochure.

       To reserve your place please use our booking form