International Events and Seminars

At Our Chalet, we are focused on creating events which will enable participants to develop life skills and positive lifestyle attitudes through outdoor activities, personal challenge and international friendship.

Calendar of International Events 2015

Calendar of International Events 2016

As an integral part of WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts), our International events and seminars are reflecting the vision and mission of the movement as well as support the achievement of its strategic goals.

WAGGGS Mission is 'to enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world'.

WAGGGS Vision is 'all girls and young women are valued and take action to change the world'.

The objective of WAGGGS International Events are to help develop participants’ potential through:

  1. Learning about WAGGGS, its Member Organizations, themes, projects, regions and World Centres while sharing the international friendship that Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting offers.
  2. Experiencing the unique culture of Switzerland through its traditions, history and people.
  3. Engaging in activities and workshops related to leadership, advocacy and other topics relevant to girls and young women today. 
Our Chalet Winter: GGUK Event_Centenary 8 Our Chalet Queens Guide Expedition Albristhorn 1 Our Chalet: Roverweek 2011 - 3

With ten million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from 145 countries across the world, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) is the largest voluntary movement dedicated to girls and young women in the world.

At Our Chalet, we are striving to offer a true international dimesion of the movement to each participant or guest.